Brandon Rench has over 20 years of experience in the aerial mapping and survey industry. Brandon is a Senior Project Manager and Operations Lead for the aerial department at SAM’s headquarters in Austin. Brandon supports operational efforts for the department including strategic planning, innovation, resource management, budgeting and more. Brandon also manages projects across the US that utilize remote sensing and other innovative technologies and approaches to provide best-in-class client solutions. These solutions include the use of LiDAR, photogrammetry, thermography, and AI/machine learning to support engineering design, as-builts, inspection, and vegetation management applications.
Brandon is a Certified Photogrammetrist with the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) and a Level II Certified Thermographer. In 2018, SAM received an Engineering Excellence award from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Texas for one of Brandon’s innovative projects.
One of Brandon’s most highly regarded core values is Excellence in Service. Brandon’s goal is to build longstanding relationships with clients based on trust, transparency, and outstanding service. Brandon believes that an honest approach combined with quality services and deliverables backed up by decades of experience leads to repeatable project success. Combining that approach with the curiosity to develop new innovate solutions is another key that Brandon believes leads to long lasting business partnerships. Brandon, his wife, and two children live in Austin. They enjoy spending their time having good laughs with good company, beating the heat with water activities, and watching or playing sports.